Learn Italian online

Here you will find a list of online resources for learning Italian. Almost all resources are free.

Italian online for beginners


Italian online for intermediate and advanced level


Suggest an online resource

If you want to suggest an online resource for learning Italian, you can do it by filling the online form on "Contact" page. Your resource should fall in one of the following categories:

  • Pronunciation guides for beginners
  • Phonetic transcription converters and translators
  • Video lessons for beginners
  • Podcasts, audio lessons, and audiobooks
  • Video (including TV)
  • Radio
  • Dictionaries
  • Text-to-speech (TTS) voices
  • Subtitles and movie scripts databases
  • Other online resources

For online video and audio lessons, podcasts, audiobooks, TV and radio, please, suggest only resources that have Italian transcript. For example, online TV in Italian should have a full transcript in Italian or Italian subtitles.

The priority will be given for free resources.